NooknRook: Service Animal Safety Solutions

Innovative Solutions for Handlers and First Responders

Creating Peace of Mind and Safety For You and Your Service Animal

The reason for our patent pending product is to give your Service Animal a 'voice' in a medical emergency. For you as a handler they can provide critical Information to First Responders, but also for themselves if they are injured or need a handler to come pick them up so Animal Control doesn't.

NooknRook Medical Emergency Card - Service Animal Communication Aid


Medical Emergency

Medical Information stored and easily accessible with your Service Animal for fast triage with First Responders. So they can have all vital information, allergies, and conditions if you aren't able to communicate.

Emergency Dog Handler Info - NooknRook

Emergency Dog Handler information on all cards.

Animal Control

Ideally, your Service Animal will be transported with you. But if that cannot happen for various reasons, unfortunately Animal Control will be called.

On each one of our cards we have a section for an Emergency Dog Handler, so First Responders can attempt to call whomever is listed instead of having Animal Control take your Service Animal.

Can you imagine waking up in a hospital and asking where your Service Animal is, and being told its with Animal Control? I can't, I would freak out.

Your Service Animal will be having a hard enough time with everything going on. The goal is to prevent your startled and traumatized animal from having to be noosed and forced into an Animal Control vehicle.

Vital Service Dog Alerts - NooknRook


Service Dog Tasks / Alerts

Universally, every First Responder I spoke to wanted to know what task or alerts your Service Animal Performs. They don't know your dog, or their tasks, this gives them vital information to help treat you and listen to your Service Animal when he is advocating for you and trying to help.

For example if your dog is alerting to a Seizure vs anxiety etc..

Universally Attachable to most Service Dog vests.

NooknRook Founder: Army Veteran Joshua Allen and Service Dog Rookie


Army Veteran, Joshua Allen, and his service dog, Rookie - a.k.a his best bud, are the creators of NooknRook. At this time Rookie is currently undergoing Service Dog Training with Dog Training Elite in Utah.